Attract talent

People who

We are looking for people who want to transform companies through technology in a flexible and agile way. People who are always willing to learn and grow, who are interested in being part of an open, transparent and trusting culture that creates value. Our biggest added value is the people who make up Kairós DS. Focused and intentional we take care of them as much as possible: we follow up, train and encourage them to be more professional and become their best selves.

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Our values

Ilustración de valor enjoy Ilustración de valor feel
Ilustración de valor try Ilustración de valor think

Join us

#It ´s your time!

Our real core is people with constantly evolving knowledge, who continue to grow and develop in the latest technologies and methodologies under the agile philosophy.

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People first

We care about you as a whole person, and your personal and professional development within the company.

Our Talent team will always take care of you, through regular follow-ups. Do you have something to share? Request a follow-up session or a "1 to 1" so that we can get to know you better and help you.

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We are committed to training

You will have a company-funded individual training plan, a variety of technical training, management training, and language training.

You choose!

You will also be able to take part in internal courses run by the company, and attend lectures given by nationally and internationally renowned speakers.

Ilustración de un corazón

Health insurance and benefits

From day one you will have medical cover with a leading provider.

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Great clients and projects

We work with the best clients on major, impactful products. There will always be new challenges within the company to contribute and grow.

We have clients from a wide variety of sectors: Retail, Finance, Energy, Health, Telecommunications, Universities, Public Safety, Insurance, ...


fit you :)